The Best Candidates Can Be Those You Can’t See

The Best Candidates Can Be Those You Can’t See

You are probably aware of companies that are currently receiving an extremely encouraging response rate to their adverts. Applications that are in their hundreds are a common thing at the moment. However, just because a company is inundated with potential new candidates, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the best person is within the mountain of CVs.

There is a sector that many employers forget. Carly Lake, Specialist Marketing Recruitment Consultant says, “Many of my placements are people who are not actively looking for a new job. Having a conversation at the right time and an opportunity that is relevant to their development and skills highlights the importance of the passive candidate market.”

A passive candidate represents a person who is happy in their current job. Whereas an active candidate is someone who is looking for that new opportunity, and may or may not currently have a job. According to a LinkedIn report passive candidates make up 70% of the global workforce and actively make up 30%. Naturally, with the effects of the pandemic, the active side may be higher.

Carly explains, “The passive candidate is driven by an opportunity for advancement in their career, perhaps they are performing well, but not necessarily recognised for it. Perhaps they are thinking about their long-term career development. For an employer that is actively looking for the ideal candidate, the person who may not be searching can be the ideal person. What is important for employers to remember is that if you do not source future candidates from both sides, they are limiting their talent search.” 

It can be difficult to ignite interest in a passive candidate, Carly adds, “It all comes down to timing and getting the attention of a passive candidate. For instance, it could be a future of better opportunities, personal development, leadership, or just a work-life balance that creates harmony.”

Passive candidates can become quality, long term candidates. Whilst initial engagement can be challenging (who would want to leave a job if they are happy?), the onus is on an employer to ensure they are appealing and present a future-fit that is attractive.

The best candidates might not be right in front of you, but they are waiting for you.