The Real Cost Of Doing It All On Your Own

The Real Cost Of Doing It All On Your Own

With an abundance of candidates available, for companies that still do their own recruitment, it is predominantly down to team members to fill the roles and select the right applicant.

Whilst it is sensible to work efficiently and save costs, the implications hit far deeper. According to Glassdoor, it costs £3,000 and nearly 28 days to find a new employee.

Hannah Sills, TeamJobs Head of Permanent & Specialist Recruitment says, “To every company that is looking for a new team member, think about how much your time is worth? I understand that the employer is currently in the driving seat when it comes to choice, but that does come with implications. For the volume of potential applicants, how are you going to let each unsuccessful candidate know they didn’t make the cut? It can be damaging for a company when there is silence when a person didn’t make it to the interview stages. Even worse when a candidate is vocal about a company on social media. The lack of responsiveness from employers can affect a brand's reputation.”

According to a report from PwC finding and sourcing the best talent remains the number one concern of CEOs.

Hiring the right people involves a lot of discipline and effort, whilst on the other side of the coin it is easier than ever for one click to apply and an abundance of prolific applicants. 

This also presents a problem with people getting lost in the application process. Rob Bruce, TeamJobs Technical Manager, recognises that applying for jobs directly can cause a bottleneck from employer to a recruiter. Rob says “Perhaps the decision-making chain is a long process or there is a surge in applications. My advice is to apply for jobs you qualify for, that way you can be clear on why you can be a good addition to a new team. For instance, edit the top of the CV for the role you are going for, so it is the first thing someone sees.”

It is easy to become preoccupied with technology and cost savings when it comes to companies being responsible for their recruitment. Sometimes this can cloud the overall objective of recruiting the best people for the available roles.

If you think that now is a good time to talk to a recruitment consultancy, let’s start that conversation, and let’s see if we can make a difference.